Hardcore will never die
Editorial Design / Bachelor Thesis For my bachelor thesis I looked into the Gabber youth culture that originated in the Netherlands and became extremely popular during the nineties. While the scene was often subject to negative media coverage due to its reputation of violence and drug abuse, I decided to use a neutral and rather scientific approach to find out what Gabber is all about. The result is a 128-page book dealing with both the hard facts and the emotional side of a passionate fan base that gathers around an uncompromising style of music. -
Werkkonferenz I
Exhibition Design / Editorial Design Werkkonferenz is a series of events held annually by the University of Applied Sciences and took place for the second time in June 2013. Werkkonferenz 2013 was about designers who use their craft in various disciplines apart from design. We wanted to figure out how designers can use their skills and knowledge to work multidisciplinary. The program consisted of workshops, lectures and exhibitions that offered plenty to hear, see, feel and taste for the participants. Student project in collaboration with Svenja Brüggemann, Louisa Georg, Henning Humml, Ramona Klein, Nadine Knick, Linda Moers, Lena Naerger, Sadrick Schmidt, Santana Schütte, Mirjam Sieger and Ines van Stegen, 2o13- yvonne-kienzl_werkkonferenz13
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Werkkonferenz II
Exhibition Design / Editorial Design Werkkonferenz is a series of events held annually by the University of Applied Sciences and took place for the second time in June 2013. Werkkonferenz 2013 was about designers who use their craft in various disciplines apart from design. We wanted to figure out how designers can use their skills and knowledge to work multidisciplinary. The program consisted of workshops, lectures and exhibitions that offered plenty to hear, see, feel and taste for the participants. Student project in collaboration with Svenja Brüggemann, Louisa Georg, Henning Humml, Ramona Klein, Nadine Knick, Linda Moers, Lena Naerger, Sadrick Schmidt, Santana Schütte, Mirjam Sieger and Ines van Stegen, 2o13 -
Die Geldmaschine
Editorial Design Geldmaschine is a compact guide for students who want to earn their own money along their studies. The book offers insightful tips on pretty much everything related to getting your first job, including helpful information on taxes and insurances or running your own freelance business. Student project in collaboration with Marie Christine Keppler and Jacqueline Czogalla, 2012 -
Logo Design For the German jewellery designer Vera Aldejohann I created a logo which expresses her professional disciplines jewellery and object. The letter shapes are inspired by gemstone cuttings and technical drawings. Commissioned work, 2013 -
Photography Photographic documentary of a field trip through the west and south of Iceland. Student work, 2013- yvonne-kienzl_island018
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Photography A sweet clichée, a fabulous glitter world, a short trip into the golden light. Documentary of a roadtrip through California. Free work, 2013- yvonne-kienzl_california115
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Exhibition Design In the exhibition curated by Japanese sound artist Yukio Fujimoto visitors could explore the complex relation between seeing and hearing. The interactive and multimedia works from both Japanese and German artists gathered around the exhibit’s main idea sound letters graphics. phono/graph is a research project by the design faculties of the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund in cooperation with the artists. Student project in collaboration with Thomas Böcker, David Fischbach, Clemens Müller, Nadine Nebel, Martin Ratkowski, Larissa Rauch, Melanie Riepl, Sabrina Rothe, Sabrina Schwenecke, Edi Winarni and Vanessa Zeissig, 2012 -
Raketeninsel Hombroich
Illustration The museum island Hombroich near Neuss, Germany is a former missile launching site used by the NATO. It is today home to a multitude of artists and scientists. The island is a place where modern architecture meets wild-growing nature. My work examines the contrast between these two elements. The geometric shapes depict the silhouette of the buildings and are juxtaposed with fine lined illustrations of plants from the surrounding area. Student project, 2011 -
Illustration Graphic documentary of a 15 day trip across the mountains and shores of Sardegna, equipped with a backpack, a tent and a sketchbook. Free work, 2011 -
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